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Behind the Scenes

Writer: Jessica KnightJessica Knight

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

Weekly Introspection with Jessica Knight

Introspection: Introduction

Behind the Scenes is my personal blog that I've decided to share on my platform. Throughout my life, I've learned that I need weekly, regularly scheduled introspection to help digest the previous weeks' events and prepare for the coming week.

"We can create our own worlds and lives, but we will be held accountable for whatever comes with that creation. Introspection helps to create a world based on truths instead of facades." --Jessica

Introspection helps keep balance within myself and in my external relationships. I find it beneficial because it allows me to view myself and others from a different perspectives and initiate growth in emotional and spiritual intelligence.

Meditation and Perspectives

I divide process of internal observation or introspection in two parts. The first part requires awareness and identifying an entity or an issue that I would like to look deeper into and clear out. For example, the entity of fear has many subcategories. The fears I work with the most within myself are the fear of lack, fear of inadequacy, and the fear of self expression. For each of these separate fears, I need to find their root causes of when I first felt them, if the fear originally came from me or from an outside source, and the reasons why I'm still holding onto those fears or why they keep coming back. I write down all of my questions before I go into meditation and address them as I go along. Some of the questions may trigger childhood traumas and abuses, thus breathing techniques and meditation are important.

Before I begin the second part through meditation, I sit or lay down in a comfortable position, ensuring there are no distractions. I'm a parent so I meditate before sunrise when my home is quiet and everyone is asleep. I do this to create an environment of relaxation and protection. In order to heal traumas, it's imperative to feel the trauma through emotions that caused the cycles I'm unaware of that are portrayed in my daily life. Note: This is not physical pain and I make a point to remind myself that I'm not in immediate danger and that I am safe. This is accomplished through breathwork and calming the body and the mind to ensure my focus is where it needs to be to receive the truth about myself.

To properly receive the truth, I sit my own personal emotions aside and reflect from a third person point of view. This allows me to see the event that I'm recalling in full spectrum. When I take a look at myself from an outside perspective I can see the event, those involved, and interactions. I ask myself questions like "Was I wrong? Am I biased? Is this true?" This allows me to view the event without bias to receive the truth. Then I go to a first person point of view to dig into the details of the situation pertaining to my own personal growth. This is where accountability shines, where I make necessary changes and ultimately, this is how I grow into a more refined Me.

Let's Connect!

As we move further, I'll go deeper into my emotional psyche, shining light in areas that need to be cleared in order for further refinement and growth. I'll be sharing personal information about myself that in hopes that others gain the courage to do the same in their own way.

How do you complete/start your weeks? Do you have a process? What works for you? Do you have questions about my process?

You can find updates here on my site, but also follow me on social media @twinflamecandlescomp. I also have a YouTube page where I'll post videos and other information.




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