Hello there and welcome to the Twin Flame Community!
Before we get started, I’d like to share a short biography about myself.
Twin Flame candles and herbs are not your average candles or herbs, because Founder, Owner, and Operator Jessica Knight is not your average candle artist or herb specialist.
Though she calls the historic and eclectic city of Savannah, Georgia home, her family roots are spread deep and wide with blends of Creole, Blackfoot, Navajo, and Caribbean cultures. As a young girl, she learned from her (2x) Great-Grandmother how to blend herbs and roots to make healing balms, oils, tinctures and teas in ways only passed down by the purest of verbal tradition.
A naturally hard worker and gifted leader in her social life, Jessica put herself through medical school as well as the police academy all by the age of 28. Now a loving mother of three, Jessica is no stranger to a long, hard, day’s work. She learned to relax and unwind to the pleasant aroma of escape provided by each unique candle experience. Her keen historic herbal knowledge, medical training, and uniquely gifted sense of smell led her to begin learning how to fuse oils with butters to create her own sensational style of aromatic escape.
Twin Flame candles use 100% natural essential oils and butters. All materials are organic, responsibly sourced, and hand chosen by Jessica herself to create the purest, most sensuous experiences. Twin Flame candles are carefully crafted to saturate the entire space with rich harmonies of scents uniquely mixed and matched by Jessica.
Her secret blend of coconut wax and homemade organic oils allows for each candle to fully engulf each space in a warm, long-lasting flavor that sticks uniquely in the memory of anyone in its glow.
Jessica believes that no candle is merely a scent. To truly relax, and align the mind, body, and soul, Twin Flame candles seek to engage each of the senses in its own, rapturous adventure.
Please join me on this adventure as we discover and discuss the healing properties of plants and herbs to keep our vessels healthy! It all starts with the mind..
